Clean Living Athens will provide a second chance for women with drug/alcohol problems needing affordable, alcohol & drug-free housing. This sober living house will provide a hand up, not a handout. The residents will learn how to pay a small amount of rent weekly, be gainfully employed, attend 12-Step recovery meetings and re-enter society. We will partner with Watts Bar Church and other non-profit organizations, donors and ministries to provide meals and donations to help with costs. Any revenue generated by this house goes into a prudent reserve to cover any empty beds, repairs, and any emergency needs that may arise.
The residents will be women with the desire to live in a safe environment with accountability and be willing to follow Clean Living’s Rules & Regulations. These women will be referred by probation officers, treatment centers, TN Department of Children's Services, and the other women in recovery. We will hand out brochures and network with court officials, outpatient treatment centers and counselors, as well as any other treatment centers that may have referrals. These women will be required to get sponsors, attend 12-Step Recovery meetings and acquire employment.
Our unique value proposition is that women and the community, as a whole will benefit from safe, affordable housing, and we solve women's needs by providing emergency food, transportation to recovery meetings and resources. We will be unique by helping teach these women life skills and how to use resources and recovery support groups to maintain sobriety long-term and enjoy a happy, useful life. This will be the only place like this in the community. Women that stay at our sober living house will have the freedom to go to work and meetings and to have visits with their children. They will make connections in the community that will be sources of support for the rest of their lives. They will be surrounded by other sober women and women in the church that have a heart for serving.
Principal Members
Melody McNeill — President, Registered Agent, Marketing & Outreach
Connie Myers — Vice-President & Treasurer, Rules & Regulations, Community Outreach
Denise Goins — Community Outreach
Erica Stewart - Intake and Community Outreach
Legal Structure
Clean Living is a 501c3 Non-Profit Organization.